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Many a time I've missed a beat
সৌরভ ভট্টাচার্য
4 August 2016
Many a time I've missed a beat
Of the evening sonata
Loitered in the unwalked alleys of life,
In shameless pursuit of a dwelling
Which I could call my own....
At last in tired refrain,
I sheltered my tired limbs
At the shady crossroads of life..
And blabbered away
Some nonsense lullaby
From old forgotten days...
My soul
সৌরভ ভট্টাচার্য
14 June 2016
My soul
সৌরভ ভট্টাচার্য
14 June 2016
My soul
A fallen leaf
An oscillation in stagnant time
My soul
A fallen leaf
An expression of consciousness
My soul
A fallen leaf
An undefeated anthem of love
সৌরভ ভট্টাচার্য
23 December 2016
All the errors have been put in order,
if infested, I often behold ;
if infested, I often behold ;
সৌরভ ভট্টাচার্য
12 June 2019
উন্মত্ত জনতা ও জনসাধারণের মধ্যে একটা পার্থক্য আছে। ইংরাজিতে প্রথমটাকে বলে Mob. যা উন্মাদনার নামান্তর। অসভ্য, বর্বরোচিত তাৎক্ষণিক তুঙ্গাবস্থান।
Mio amore
সৌরভ ভট্টাচার্য
26 January 2021
My words
Never come across my feelings
Mio amore
I am eternal silence
In my heart
Like an undiscovered cave
Mio amore
Your remembrance
Is melting candle of my life
Wait until dark
Mio amore
Then the world will speak about me
Mio amore
My Soul
সৌরভ ভট্টাচার্য
7 October 2020
My soul is imbued
With the colour of your lips
As the dusk intoxicates the river
With the colour of your lips
As the dusk intoxicates the river
Matto Ki Saikil
18 January 2023
30 November 2023