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A saint and a young man

The train was about to start.
A young man was sitting on a window seat
Opposite of him was a saint.

And then

I pledged to love thee.
Unwinding the strings of my soul,
From the reel of my life..
Held in your hand,
I pledged to love thee.
Till the reel was empty...
But your heart was thirsty...
Your eyes wanted more,
Your soul wanted more,
Your pride wanted more,
Of me.....
I loosened my grip,
My heart missed a skip,

A real hope is like to have constipation

A real hope is like to have constipation, to store it or to deliver it, both are painful, an act of serious commitment. So people talks about religion - a hope no one dares to have it, but wish to preach it. A hope without responsibility, but with fantasy ability.

Are you?

Did I?
I can't remember
May be, I don't want to

An Unquite Mind

মানুষটা ভালোই ছিল। ভালোই থাকে। প্রচুর উৎসাহ, প্রচুর উচ্ছ্বাস। সব ঠিক চলছিল। হঠাৎ করে
সে বদলে গেল। থমকে গেল। নিঝুম হয়ে গেল।
নিস্তেজ হয়ে গেল। এটা বারবার হতে থাকে। মনের মধ্যে যেন দিন-রাত্রি।